Agenda Ekstremis Anti Gay : Homosexuality. The Enemy Within...

Agenda kebencian mereka terhadap kaum gay begitu kental sehingga saya sendiri tidak sanggup untuk memilah mana yang paling bernas dan cocok buat memancing amarah kaum gay agar menyusun taktik untuk menyerang balik ke markas mereka. ( Ops…Karena saya sendiri ngak berani, jadi saya cuma bisa mengompori ) Sorry, becanda!

Berikut ini adalah artikel terbaru yang saya petik secara acak. Sengaja dipilih karena nadanya tidak sekeras yang lain. Judulnya “ Homosexuality, The Enemy Within……”

Quote : Homosexuality that enemy of American values, is lurking within you right now. Here’s a terrifying fact: Anyone can fall prey to homosexuality at any time, even our most prestigious political and religious leaders…..

( Hmm…ternyata mereka takut sama kaum gay, ok…lanjut…..)

Just look at our prisons or Governor Andre Bauer! There are labor crews out there pushing you to this very precipice. It’s the secret plan of every homosexual in America, from your married Connecticut Lesbian and your shirtless Manhattan cat owner, to your androgynous street corner twink and your power bottom internet man-skank.

Don’t doubt it for a second! They want you, whether it’s up close in their filthy bathroom stalls or shopping at their antique shops. They want you in their lives, copulating, corrupting and charging outrageously-priced vintage lamps on your credit cards. They see your fascinating and victorious heterosexuality and want to throw the skunky seeds of dissatisfaction all over your bare Christian chests.

( Nah, kecurigaanku benar kan? Mereka takut….Lanjut )

My friends say that I’m a little too lathered up about this subject. It’s true! I am worried and upset! There is just too much homosexuality out there today. You can’t turn on the tv or walk down the street in your community without chancing upon some impure man or girl, raping you with their eyes.

We Christians really aren’t making much headway against flamboyant gay marriage in our states, no matter how much more money we donate. The homosexuals will probably invade our military with Candidate Obama’s consent in the next few years.

 Can you imagine, our virile, handsome army soldiers, exhausted from a long day of GI Joe-style adventures, being threatened in their very own barracks by their tumescent bunkmates in the dead of night? Or trapped in the morning showers with a man pack of urgent physical needs, no women in sight and no one to stop them while the bugler calls in vain to formation?

 As moral families and good citizens, I don’t know what our future will be in the face of these very homosexual victories. Maybe it’s just time we admit publicly that we’re going to lose. Most statisticians have calculated that in a generation’s time gay marriage will be common all over the world because our youths are too lazy to care.

 Before I go to bed, let me kneel down and make this confession– I’m absolutely terrified of the day when this ever-growing trend of buggery shows up at my door in the shape of my friendly refrigerator repairman or a broadshouldered and insistent pastor from Argentina. I’m scared for my extraordinary manhood in the face of these lascivious and big-lipped libertines. We heterosexuals are the Grade-A meat at the gay barbeque and I, for one, do not need an engraved invitation.

( Hmm...ternyata memang takut, takut...takut. KASIHAN dikau. Orang gay ngak makan orang kok.. )
End quote.

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